smith_waterman python

发布于 2024-03-05  4 次阅读

import swalign

dna_string = "ATCCACAGC"
reference_string = "ATGCAGCGC"
match_score = 2
mismatch_score = -1
matrix = swalign.NucleotideScoringMatrix(match_score, mismatch_score)
lalignment_object = swalign.LocalAlignment(matrix)
alignment_object = lalignment_object.align(dna_string, reference_string)
# Importing Python packages
from enum import IntEnum
import numpy as np

# Assigning the constants for the scores
class Score(IntEnum):
    MATCH = 1
    MISMATCH = -1
    GAP = -1

# Assigning the constant values for the traceback
class Trace(IntEnum):
    STOP = 0
    LEFT = 1 
    UP = 2
    DIAGONAL = 3

# Reading the fasta file and keeping the formatted sequence's name and sequence
def fasta_reader(sequence_file):
    lines = open(sequence_file).readlines()
    sequence_name_row = lines[0][1:]
    sequence = lines[1]
    return sequence_name_row.replace(" ", "").strip(), sequence.strip()

# Implementing the Smith Waterman local alignment
def smith_waterman(seq1, seq2):
    # Generating the empty matrices for storing scores and tracing
    row = len(seq1) + 1
    col = len(seq2) + 1
    matrix = np.zeros(shape=(row, col),  
    tracing_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(row, col),  

    # Initialising the variables to find the highest scoring cell
    max_score = -1
    max_index = (-1, -1)

    # Calculating the scores for all cells in the matrix
    for i in range(1, row):
        for j in range(1, col):
            # Calculating the diagonal score (match score)
            match_value = Score.MATCH if seq1[i - 1] == seq2[j - 1] else Score.MISMATCH
            diagonal_score = matrix[i - 1, j - 1] + match_value

            # Calculating the vertical gap score
            vertical_score = matrix[i - 1, j] + Score.GAP

            # Calculating the horizontal gap score
            horizontal_score = matrix[i, j - 1] + Score.GAP

            # Taking the highest score 
            matrix[i, j] = max(0, diagonal_score, vertical_score, horizontal_score)

            # Tracking where the cell's value is coming from    
            if matrix[i, j] == 0: 
                tracing_matrix[i, j] = Trace.STOP

            elif matrix[i, j] == horizontal_score: 
                tracing_matrix[i, j] = Trace.LEFT

            elif matrix[i, j] == vertical_score: 
                tracing_matrix[i, j] = Trace.UP

            elif matrix[i, j] == diagonal_score: 
                tracing_matrix[i, j] = Trace.DIAGONAL 

            # Tracking the cell with the maximum score
            if matrix[i, j] >= max_score:
                max_index = (i,j)
                max_score = matrix[i, j]

    # Initialising the variables for tracing
    aligned_seq1 = ""
    aligned_seq2 = ""   
    current_aligned_seq1 = ""   
    current_aligned_seq2 = ""  
    (max_i, max_j) = max_index

    # Tracing and computing the pathway with the local alignment
    while tracing_matrix[max_i, max_j] != Trace.STOP:
        if tracing_matrix[max_i, max_j] == Trace.DIAGONAL:
            current_aligned_seq1 = seq1[max_i - 1]
            current_aligned_seq2 = seq2[max_j - 1]
            max_i = max_i - 1
            max_j = max_j - 1

        elif tracing_matrix[max_i, max_j] == Trace.UP:
            current_aligned_seq1 = seq1[max_i - 1]
            current_aligned_seq2 = '-'
            max_i = max_i - 1    

        elif tracing_matrix[max_i, max_j] == Trace.LEFT:
            current_aligned_seq1 = '-'
            current_aligned_seq2 = seq2[max_j - 1]
            max_j = max_j - 1

        aligned_seq1 = aligned_seq1 + current_aligned_seq1
        aligned_seq2 = aligned_seq2 + current_aligned_seq2

    # Reversing the order of the sequences
    aligned_seq1 = aligned_seq1[::-1]
    aligned_seq2 = aligned_seq2[::-1]

    return aligned_seq1, aligned_seq2

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Reading the two required fasta sequences
    file_1_name, file_1 = fasta_reader("Sequence1.fasta")
    file_2_name, file_2  = fasta_reader("Sequence2.fasta")

    # Executing the Smith Waterman local alignment algorithm
    output_1, output_2 = smith_waterman(file_1, file_2)

    print(file_1_name + ' ' + output_1 + '\n' + file_2_name + ' ' + output_2)
最后更新于 2024-03-05